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Două teste pentru antrenarea creierului
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o pagină de pe web două exerciţii de fitness cerebral.
Embedded Figures in each row, which of the designs in the right two columns contains the figure to the left? Men tend to perform a little better on this visualization task than women. Interestingly, people with autism (over 80% of whom are male) perform better, on average, than non-autistics.
Answer Al doilea:
The brain system that gives us our ability to recognize a face is located in the right hemisphere. That system sees the face as a holistic pattern, not a collection of individual parts. But when a face is turned upside-down, our face recognition faculty doesn’t work very well. We fall back on a strategy of checking individual features, and may not notice that their arrangement is bizarre. Do both these faces look normal? Are you sure?
View the faces right-side up Etichete: Teste
Pentru că atunci când scormonesc, de voie, de nevoie, universul webului, dau peste multe chestii simpatice,
enervante, interesante, uimitoare sau utile, parcă ar fi bine să spun câte ceva despre cele care mi se par ieşite din comun.